Monday, February 25, 2013

Welcome Warhammer enthusiasts/newcomers!

Hi all! This is my first attempt at a blog of any kind, so bear with me. After taking about a 5 year (or more) break from Warhammer 40k, I am getting back into it with vigor. Way back when, I had purchased many, many figures, mostly Dark Eldar and Chaos Space Marines. However, I was never really into painting, so most of my models sat there, unpainted, for many years.
Now that I am in college, and have a little extra free time (although not much), I have decided to start back up again (painting, not playing). Because I spent so much money on the figures, and I don't want them to go to waste, I am trying to stick with this as long as possible.
I know that every day, many people are starting to play Warhammer 40k, or are looking for modeling/painting information. I am writing this in the hopes that it will help someone (or many people) in starting Warhammer or in continuing the hobby.
I will try to post as often as possible with pictures of newly painted miniature, advice of all kinds, and general hobby stuff. Wish me luck!

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