Friday, March 29, 2013

100 Hours - Painting: Dark Eldar Wyches

I have a bunch of discontinued Dark Eldar Wyches from my first army. Recently, I decided to strip them and start over. To the right is my first of the batch, primed and ready to paint.

Below is my WIP photo, as well as my finished project.In the first photo, I painted a basecoat of Dwarf Flesh on the skin, Boltgun Metal on the metal parts, and Regal Blue on the blue sections. I used a flesh wash, and then repainted the skin with Dwarf Flesh. The photo below is right after the wash (I ended up washing again with a thicker wash). I highlighted the skin with a 50/50 mix of Dwarf Flesh and Bone White. The armor was highlighted with Ultramarines Blue. I painted the eyes with just white and black.

This was an extremely simple Wych tutorial/paint scheme, and is more just so I could get some practice painting skin. Overall it went pretty well, but I will be making some changes to my skin colors soon. Anyone with with tips on painting faces/skin, let me know! It's wicked hard.

Painting time elapsed: 1 hour
Learned: A little about painting skin, but I have some work to do on that.
Painting Time to go: 93 hours

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