Friday, March 1, 2013

#7 : Sisters of Battle

Sisters of Battle

 Also known as the Adepta Sororitas, the Sisters of Battle are the all-female subdivision of the Inquisition. Their chief duty is to defend the many shrines and fortress-cathedrals throughout the Imperium, as well as their sacred relics. Also, the Sisters of Battle are called upon to escort hierarchs through war zones, eliminate heretical leaders and launch surgical strikes to recover long-lost artifacts from enemy hands. Additional information on the Sisters of Battle can be found here : Adepta Sororitas - Lexicanum

I don't know a whole lot about the Sisters of Battle. What I do know is that they don't have that many units. The squad shown above is one of the only ones they have. Their paint schemes however, are relatively simplistic. I think they are a great pair with the Imperial Guard, now that the new Warhammer 40k rules allow allies.

Overview: The Sisters of Battle, in my opinion, are a little boring. With so few units and a boring paint scheme, they are just not for me. The only way I would use them is as a supplement to Imperial Guard. 

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