Friday, March 1, 2013

#9 : Chaos Daemons

Chaos Daemons

 Servants to gods of Chaos, Daemons are created by a fraction of a Chaos god's own power, and can be absorbed back into the god at whim. Each of the four major Chaos gods gains its power from the emotions of mortal beings. Daemons cannot exist in realspace for long periods of time, and are banished to the Warp (an immaterial dimension) upon death. Needing human psychers to open Rift Gates to real space, Daemons very often ally themselves with Chaos Space Marines. A Daemon can also possess a mortal body, bending the host to their will, or opening a Rift Gate using their soul. The opening of these gates can cause distortion of the real space, and cause sometimes consume entire planets.

Chaos Daemons have many different types of units, including Greater Daemons, Lesser Daemons, Steeds and Beasts aligned with each of the four major gods. The four major Gods of Chaos are as follows:

-Khorne,  the Blood God, specializes in ruin and rage
-Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, is linked to sorcery and magic
-Nurgle, the Great Lord of Decay, represents disease and plague
-Slaanesh, the Prince of Excess, is the lord of pain, pleasure, lust and greed

Chaos Daemons are almost as cool Chaos Space Marines. Their paint schemes are a little bit more difficult, but they do look great when they are well painted. Daemons are for a little more advanced painter, but the payoff is great. I recommend them for pretty much anyone.

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