Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Agenda for the next bunch of months

So far, I have given some tips on picking a Warhammer 40k army, and shown you guys what I have in terms of models, paints, etc. Now, I'm putting together a list of things I want to do over the next few months or so. I probably won't do them in any particular order, so just keep an eye out for the ones you are interested in. Here we go:

1. Tips for Starting Warhammer 40k : I want to just give a more in-depth look at the risks and rewards of starting to play Warhammer 40k, as well as some helpful tips for getting started. I am leaving this open-ended on purpose, so if I learn/think of anything else, I can share it.

2. 100 hours -  Painting : One very useful thing I have seen across the internet is a 100 hours blog. It consists of multiple posts about a given experience, each consisting of pictures, tips, and things they have learned. In this case, it will be about painting Warhammer 40k miniatures. Starting at 0 hours, I will discuss each of my painting projects and slowly accumulate hours towards my 100 hour goal. This should take a while (100 hours is a very, very long time in terms of 1-2 hour painting sessions), but I will be posting regularly (probably weekly).

3. 100 hours -  Sculpting : I will do this in the same fashion as my Painting one, detailed above. I will be using green stuff, an epoxy sculpting putty, to do various sculpting projects and conversions. Sculpting is something that has always fascinated me. To be able to sculpt and then paint my own miniatures is my dream as a hobbyist. I have not done any sculpting yet, only small conversions, so this will be very interesting and fun ( I hope).

In addition to the things above, I will post just any new ideas I come up with. Keep checking back for more tips, tutorials, and other information about Warhammer 40k.

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