Thursday, February 28, 2013

#4 : Space Wolves

Space Wolves


The Space Wolves are a very independent chapter that has been around since the first founding.  Their homeworld, Fenris, is a world of fire and ice. The wildlife on Fenris has been determined to be the most dangerous on any planet, making the planet's inhabitants battle-hardened and ferocious. One of the most deadly creatures in the universe, the Fenrisian Wolves, fight alongside the Space Wolves. They can grow up to the size of a small horse, and the Thunderwolf, the apex predator of Fenris, can grow up to 8 feet in height.

The Space Wolves are my favorite Space Marine chapter. Although I don't own as many of them as I want to, they are a great race with lots of variety. In my opinion, they are an army for more advanced painters, as it is slightly difficult to make the light blues, yellows, and browns of their armor look good.

Overview: If you are an intermediate/advanced painter, give the Space Wolves a look. Even if you are a beginner, still give them a look. 

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