Thursday, February 28, 2013

#5 : Grey Knights

Other forces of the Imperium

Finally, we are done with Space Marines, and onto the other forces of Man. 

Grey Knights

Started at the Second Founding, the Grey Knights are technically the 666th chapter of the Space Marines. They were created to combat the powers of chaos and corruption throughout the Imperium. In over 10,000 years, not a single member of the chapter has ever defected to Chaos. They are not descendants of a Primarch, but instead the Emperor himself. With numbers of only approximately 1000, they are an elite fighting force with exceptional psychic powers. Additional information of the Grey Knights can be found here:  Grey Knights - Lexicanum

Grey Knights, even though I think they are exceptionally awesome, are in my opinion not that great of an army in terms of painting. They don't have that many units (the ones pictured above are about all they have). Also, the shown color scheme is pretty much the only one they have. Making a model look good with only silver and darker silver is pretty difficult.

Overview: Grey Knights are super cool, but in my opinion they are for more advanced hobbyists (with so many of their models looking the same, conversions are a must-have in order prevent them being too boring).

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