Saturday, March 2, 2013

#11 : Eldar


 Once the greatest race in the universe, the Eldar succumbed to their desires, resulting in the "Fall of the Eldar". The Chaos god Slaanesh was born through the Eldar vices, and it's birth consumed the souls of the majority of the Eldar race. The result torn a hole in space, resulting in a perpetual Warp-storm known as the Eye of Terror. With the majority of the Eldar wiped out, the survivors sought refuge on giant world-sized ships known as Craftworlds. They are now a broken people, without a purpose. With their numbers dwindling, the Eldar roam the universe in search of a way to restore their noble race to its former glory.

Eldar, similar to Space Marines, have innumerable color schemes. You may choose many of the ones shown in Codex: Eldar or even create your own. They are a great army for beginners through advanced, as their color schemes range from the most basic to the most detailed (The eldar farseer shown to the right illustrates a very detailed and colorful figure).

Overview: Eldar are a good army for any painter. You can choose the difficulty of the color scheme, which is great for people who like their models either very simple or extremely detailed and complex.

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