Saturday, March 2, 2013

#12 : Dark Eldar

Dark Eldar

The Dark Eldar, the evil cousins the the Eldar, first appeared at the "Fall of the Eldar", when the god Slaanesh consumed the souls of trillions of Eldar. Before that time, the Dark Eldar resided in the giant city of Commorragh, tucked inside the Webway, a vast network or passageways through the Warp. Commorragh was protected from the havoc wrought by the birth of Slaanesh, but its residents soon found their souls being slowly claimed by the chaos god. They also found that if they absorbed the pain and torment from another's soul, they could escape the effects of time. As long as they fed on the souls of prisoners, they could live forever. From that point on, they were doomed to a life of piracy. The Dark Eldar perform sneak attacks, capturing as many hostages as they can, and disappear into the Webway, emerging at Commorragh to torture and sacrifice their victims. Additional information on the Dark Eldar can be found here:  Dark Eldar - Lexicanum

The Dark Eldar have a decent number of units, and also a decent number of color schemes. Their basic infantry can be painted rather easily, but their more advanced units (Grotesques, Wracks, other beasts) take some more time and effort. Their tactics are slightly more complex than most, and winning a battle with them might take some practice. I would recommend Dark Eldar to beginner/advanced to advanced gamers.

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