Saturday, March 2, 2013

#13 : Necrons


 A legion of undead warriors made of living metal, the Necrons are indeed fearsome. They were once human, but in an epic battle against the immortal Old Ones millions of years ago, they sold their souls to the almighty C'tan, also known as the Star Gods. Becoming nearly indestructible upon receiving their immortal bodies, the Necrons, alongside the C'tan, destroyed the Old Ones in a purge that destroyed whole star systems. Upon accomplishing their goal, the Necrons turned on the C'tan. However, the C'tan could not be truly defeated, and were instead shattered into numerous shards and spread across the universe. The Necrons, with their forces severely depleted, could not stand up to the rising forces of the Eldar. The Necron king, Szarekh, decided to transform all Necron cities into giant tomb worlds, where the Necron race  would sleep for 60 million years, only to emerge and conquer the universe, restoring their dynasties to their former glory. Now, in the 41st Millennia, their numbers are rising from the tomb worlds. Although some worlds have been destroyed or populated by other species, the Necrons are slowly regrouping, and will not stop until their final goal is achieved.

-Side Note- The Old Ones are said to have created both the Orks and the Eldar in an effort to destroy the Necrons.

A Necron cannot ever be destroyed. Each of them possess an internal repair system, capable all but the most grievous of wounds. If their metal body sustains irreparable damage, it merely "phases out", and is teleported to the nearest tomb complex to await repair. Additional information on the Necrons can be found here: Necron - Lexicanum

In my opinion, the Necrons are among the best of starting races. Making a Necron model look good is as simple as a layer of Leadbelcher (also called boltgun metal), and maybe a wash of Nuln Oil (or Badab Black or even just a very thinned black paint). But for the more advanced painters, additional color schemes can be used/ created. The Codex: Necrons contains many other paint schemes ranging from simple to complex.

Overview: Great starting race. Cool to paint. Just generally awesome.

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